Challenge 221 | Top Picks!
December 17, 2023
Good afternoon all! A huge thank you to everyone who played along with this challenge!
We love all of you who stop in and visit us on a regular basis! If you are new to our site and like what you see, be sure to stop by on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 when our next challenge goes live!
Without further ado – here are the top picks, in no particular order…
Due to my poor computer skills, I am unable to show off Prudence's card here. Please click on her name and it will take you to Insta.
The design team voted on their fave and this week's winner is : Prudence!!!
Prudence...we would love to have you as our guest designer for an upcoming challenge.
Please contact us at retrorubber at outlook dot com. Email link in the side bar.
Happy Holidays to you and your families! Thank you for making Retro Rubber one of your card challenge sites this past year!!
We are on holiday break until January 16, 2024! Be sure to check back then for a new year of challenges!