Challenge 25 | Fab Five and a Winner!!
Challenge 26 | Fab Five and a Winner!!

Challenge 26 | Another Sketchy Week

We love a good sketch!  Today we are sharing another one with you for this week's challenge!!

Challange 26

We can't wait to see what you come up! 

Joining us this week, is Theresa from Theresa's Studio!  She was our winner from a previous challenge and we are excited to showcase her incredible talent!  Be sure to visit Theresa's blog HERE!


 Here are some samples from the team!

 Katy McGloin


Debbie Mageed


Neva Cole


Claire Grantham


Christine Traversa


Jane Knudsen rrcb 26 1 (640x533)


And now, it's your turn:

•We now require the use of stamps older than one year.
•Follow the challenge given for the time period.
•Create a new creation to your blog or online gallery. (No backlinking.) If you use an online gallery, please use the Keyword RRBC26.  Please turn off Word Verification. 
•Link back to the blog using the InLinkz by November 6th. 
•Enter as many times as you like.


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It was an honor to be part of this challenge this week. Love all the great designs by the team. Thanks for having me as a guest!

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