Challenge 12 | Embellishment Challenge |There is still time to play!!
Challenge 12 | Fab Five and a Winner!


Sadly, we are saying Good-bye to one of our Mod Squad members today. 

Kelly DeTommaso Elementary PictureThis cutie, Kelly is going to be stepping down.  Challenge 12 is her final challenge with us and we will miss her super cute cards.  But we truly appreciate the time she spent with us as we started this journey. 

And we wish her the best in her future endeavors. 


As another change, Katie will be stepping down from her Design Team duties to focus on the behind the scenes work here at Retro Rubber.  You may see creations from her in the future, but she will be helping keep the blog rolling in the background. 



Check back Sunday for this week's Fab Five and a winner!  And next Tuesday, a new challenge starts!! 


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Claire G (HamnMule Designs)

Bye Kelly it has been a pleasure being your team mate! Cx

Katy McGloin

We will miss you here, Kelly, but fortunately several of us will still be your Pals!! Hope to see you play along as time permits!!

Christine Traversa

Will miss you!

Kelly DeTommaso

I'm not going very far ;-) I'll always be a Pal and I will stop back for your challenges because I have so much retro rubber and I love to bring out some oldies and goodies. I look forward to playing along with my favorite design challenge!

Katie, thanks for all you do behind the scenes. We have no idea how much effort it takes and I am so grateful to you for all you do!



Bye Bye Kelly! Thank you and all the best wishes for your future creative path! Your stempelfrida.

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